I have been receiving photos of the Princeton American Elm from homeowners all over the US! I expect more as the Winter and Spring arrive and as more people take additional photos. Some of the fall color on the Elms has not been as good this year due to drought conditions. The American Elm tends to drop its leaves in drought conditions or have a short window of fall color. Enjoy some of the photos and I look forward to seeing some of your photos and stories as well.
One key to remember with the Princeton American Em is that it is a deep rooted tree, not a shallow rooted tree. This helps with many of the North Grasses like Fescue and Bluegrass. These grasses do not need a shallow rooted tree taking its available water and nutrients from them like Maples and Birch would. The "vase shape" of the Princeton American Elm lets light come to the grass without low branching that would otherwise cause shadows. Because of this feature and with its deep roots, water and nutrients are available for your grass.
Scott Bublitz From the Chicago Area
with his Princeton American Elm &
nice fescue lawn. Scott was able to
see some nice Fall color this year!
with his Princeton American Elm &
nice fescue lawn. Scott was able to
see some nice Fall color this year!
Many families have told me how important it is for them to have a tree in their yard that is not wide until it gets older. They want to maximize their yards, but also provide shade for their home. This was important with Bob and his Princeton American Elm, which is now 7" in just 5 years of growth.
Additionally, families are asking where can purchasethe Princeton American Elm. We have been working with many Garden Centers all over the US and have had great success in connecting homeowners and Garden Centers in their communities. We have a list of distributors on the blog here and also on our web site http://www.sharptoptree.com/. You can call or email me and I will let you know of recent shipments or about future shipments to your area. We are expanding the distributors with each week and hope to have one or more in each state and hopefully in a city/town near you. If you know of any good Garden Centers to contact, then also let me know and I will contact them as well.
Bob's nice 7" Caliper Princeton
American Elm - Notice the nice
Grass growing to the trunk of
Below is a shipment of 10 trees we sent to Blue Hill Maine. Wow, is that a cool place or what? It is a nice little Garden Center with a LOT of character.

As the weather cools in the East coast and Mid-Atlantic region, the planting of trees will slow down. These areas are already looking toward Spring.
Cities like Chattanooga, TN and Great Barrington, MA have are a couple of "hot" areas for Garden Center Sales for the Princeton American Elm. We are so grateful to all those Centers who have taken the Princeton.
Check out our Florida Princeton American Elm (below) in Tallahassee. Even in the Sunshine state, the Princeton American elm is thriving! With Zones 2b to 9, this is one of the widest ranging shade trees out there. Kent planted this Princeton in his front yard last October. We are looking forward to more pictures from Kent on his Sunshine Princeton American Elm.
This is a nice 4" Princeton American elm in fall color near the Campus of GA Tech University in
We are looking for more photos and stories from around the country on your Princeton American Elms. I look forward to hearing them. Please send us your photos and we will put them on the blog for all to see. Thanks and talk to you soon!
Here is a picture of a 5.5" Princeton American Elm planted as a memorial tree for a local family as requested by the diseased family member. This is becoming more and more prevelant as people are looking for a historic tree that fits the deep rooting, upright "vase shape" of the Princeton American Elm.
In addition, clients are also looking for something of historical value, such as the Princeton Elm. It has been around as a native and found in the wilds in the 1900's.

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